Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Doggie Diaries2 The Muddy Pawed Bandit (or should I say bandits)

This is Pugs "who me" face.
This is the hole that we have filled and blocked.

These are the muddy foot prints left by The Muddy Pawed Bandit(notice how his paws are not muddy in this photo).

This is the second hole that The Bandit dug, it is now blocked but as you can see,  The Bandit is still digging.
This is the newest one.

Mr. Muddy Paws 

and his sides are all muddy from ACTUALLY making it under the fence.

I caught them in the act, yup turns out The Bandit has a sidekick. 
All Of this happened 30 minutes before all my brand new furniture arrived. I guess Dawn, Zach and I have a new project to attend to. 


  1. good luck keeping them off the furniture. They look like they got caught in the last photo, but don't seem to care to much.

  2. They cared after I yelled at them and locked them in the house ;)
