Sunday, April 14, 2013


Realizing your period is due to start on mothers day. Heres to hoping I have my first mothers day in 2014.

Monday, April 1, 2013


I know it's been a while and a lot has happened I hope to do a massive update soon. But right now I want to vent. I went to the Docs on Friday because I have a major cold/cough (possible pneumonia) And I also asked if I could have provera to restart my cycle. The Doc said I should just go on birth control. To which I said "but I'm trying to get pregnant." He looked at me and said "you're only 21, why would you want kids?" And then he said he wouldn't do any types of treatments until I had a pregnancy test done. So I did. Today I had to called him to get results (negative) only to find out from the front desk that he got them on Friday and didn't call. I suffered all (Easter) weekend when I could have been taking meds. Also now I have no clue what I'm supposed to be doing about my cough. Do I make a new appointment or just go to the ER.

I am soo happy that we will be out of here soon. San Antonio just keeps looking better and better.

The picture is where my body should be at if I did all my calculations according to my last period. Instead I'm on cycle day 113.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Twenty Thirteen

Welcome to the new year. Yes I know I am a day late, but, better than never right? This is my Resolution post. I am hoping that by posting this, the people who read my blog can help me to stay on track with several things. You all have full permission to pester me via Facebook, texting, email,  on here, or in person. 

First things first, my 60 lbs to freedom. Yup, I plan to get rid of (not loose because I never want to find those pounds again) 60 pounds in 6 months, that's 10 lbs a month.
Whose with me?
Before pic. 190 lbs BMI of 31.6
For every 10 I get rid of and keep off for a week I get a treat worth that amount, so when I get to 180 I get something worth $10, 170= $20 160=$30 and so on. None of the rewards have anything to do with food.

Number 2. Read the whole Bible this year. I have never done this before and am really looking forward to it.

Number 3. Levi and I are going Paleo. We are slowly transitioning into this new lifestyle. As of right now we are finishing up things we have in the house, and once they are gone, they are gone. Some of the things that will be missed the most are bread for sandwiches and sugar in our coffee. We think we may still have milk and cheese, just because that is where we get he majority of our calcium. We have been on organic milk for the last year and will be buying organic cheese (when I can find it).

Number 4. No T.V on days that start with T. We do not have cable, but we do have Netflix and we tend to spend a few hours watching shows and movies every night. So on Tuesdays and Thursdays, the TV will be unplugged. We plan on using this time to do projects together, read books, play games, walk Titus, all in all just to spend more "face time" together. 

Number 5. This new year marks the "official' two year mark for trying to conceive. This year I will not dwell on the fact that I'm not pregnant and I won't fall into depression again and again.I will not be glued to my fertility tracker and I will not make Sex a chore. I will be happy and content and know that I will have kids someday. 

Number 6. Learn my trade better and use my talent for my benefit, and not doubt myself just because someone I know doesn't  use my business.

This one isn't really a resolution but we plan on being more frugal with our money. What with our trip to Disney World in March, moving to San Antonio in July, and wanting to go to Washington  for Christmas 2013, we can't spend money the way we are used to doing.

Here's to an amazing Year 2013.