Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sanctity of Life Sunday

Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday, and I know this is a touchy subject for a lot of people.
 I am pro-life. 
I might step on a few toes here but the way I see it, most (NOT ALL!!!!) but a percentage of abortions are because people don't think before they act. They are only living in the here and now. And then a few weeks later they miss Aunt Flow and head on over to a Planned Parenthood.
 I understand that this is not always the case. I, in fact, know women who have been raped and still chose to keep their babies if not for themselves but for another women who cannot have her own. 
The sad thing is how accepted abortion is today. It seems to be the first thought for teenage girls in an unfortunate circumstance.
 Both my mother-in-law and my own mommy had babies and a young age. And I'm not saying that the thought never crossed their minds, but it makes me think about how different this world would would be if they had made a different choice. My sister-in-law would not be here and have her 3 beautiful babies. And I would not be here, typing this. 
As much as I hate it, I to some degree, understand the women who were victims wanting nothing to to with a baby  that seems to be there only to remind them of such a horrific experience. But the sadness I feel for the terminated baby always outweighs my understanding  for the mom. That baby will never have a first smile, a first laugh, a first step, graduate, or become a parent. There are THOUSANDS of women who will never be able to conceive or carry a baby to full term, who are praying for babies of their own to love hold and to cherish all of the firsts.
Every single baby that is placed in this world is a gift from God, and every heartbeat that stops before its time should be mourned and we should pray from the moms to see their sin and that they may come to Jesus, because only through him will their wrong be forgiven. 

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