Tuesday, January 24, 2012


You know when you are just sitting there with nothing really on your mind and things just pop up? I was just going through my twitter feed when Diet Coke was mentioned. It got me to thinking that I haven't had one in FOREVER.  And then my mouth started to water just thinking about having one. 
Last year for Lent, I gave up anything carbonated.  Since then I have done a fairly good job at not drinking it. Only at restaurants and what not. But even when out to eat I usually get some type of lemonade. I do however keep Ginger ale in my house. A 12 pack will last both me and Levi over 3 weeks. Now if that were Diet Coke, it would be gone in a mater of days with just me drinking it. 
This got me to think about my mom who would have a 24/7 IV of Dr.Pepper if there were such a thing. And this in turn got me to thinking about all Dr.Pepper she drank while pregnant and breast-feeding both my brothers and myself. Since I have been reading pretty much anything and everything that you ever need to know about having a healthy pregnancy, I was wondering if her drinking so much DP had any type of effects on us. 
I had really bad anxiety while I was younger. I would literally worry myself into migraines in the 2nd grade. Once I started with homeschooling, there was a drastic decrease of those. I still have bad anxiety but I now know my triggers. I can avoid some of them, but others not so much. 
My middle brother has ADHD. At least that is what they thought when he was 4. Sometimes I think he leans more to the higher functioning autistic spectrum  more than anything else. But I'm not a doctor and who am I to say anything. 
My baby brother had to have speech therapy. I think he's the most normal of the three of us. But still I was wondering if they could all be connected to the caffeine intake my momma had while we were in her. And if it can be, should I cut out all caffeine now, while I'm trying to have a baby? I know that there are all kinds of studies out there about this, but a lot of them disagree. Some say it's totally fine others say none at all. And then there are some that say only a certain amount.  
Sometimes I wonder if I should just blacklist everything out there and just listen to my body. But my body is messed up. Can I really listen to it when it can't even tell itself to act the way it should? The way I see it, I will take my prenatal, eat as healthily as possible, and pray for the best.
and all this because someone mentioned Diet Coke, which I might make Levi go get me from McD's. 

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